
Farai Ronald Mushoriwa ( Head of Mining, Energy & Infrastructure Law )
EXPERIENCEFarai started his legal career in 2009
Farai Ronald Mushoriwa – is the founding partner of the firm and the Head of the Mining, Energy and Infrastructure department and the Litigation, Banking and Financial Services Department. He is the holder of a Bachelor of Laws with Honours Degree from the University of Zimbabwe as well as a Master of Laws degree in Oil Gas and Mining Law with Nottingham Trent University. He is a registered legal practitioner, conveyancer and notary public, with specialty in international transactional law surrounding the infrastructural, energy and extractive sector. His clientele ranges from financial services players, mining houses, independent power producers and parastatals.
His areas of expertise are Corporate Advisory, financial law, mining energy and infrastructure law and civil litigation. He is also a conveyancer and notary public.
You can contact Farai directly through:
Email: | Cell: +263 (772) 156 403